March 28, 29 & 30th 2025

At Comité Social Centre-Sud (1710 Beaudry street, Montreal)








The Revolutionary Anarchist Organization presents


Two days of theoretical and practical training in the form of panels and workshops with speakers, authors and activists from Montreal and elsewhere on anarchism, struggles against domination, revolutionary and anti-authoritarian issues and collective autonomy.

More details to follow soon!

Why an anarchist training camp?

At a time when fascism is on the rise worldwide, genocides are being ignored, climate change is upon us and popular movements are being increasingly repressed, anarchism offers pertinent analyses of the many crises affecting our lives. Capitalism, racism, colonialism, oppression, domination, exploitation: the anarchist vision offers alternatives and proposes not only the destruction of the old world, but even more the creation and experimentation of new ways of doing and living.

Anarchists, their ideas, struggles and victories have often been erased from history books and political discourses. As activists, a good understanding of past and present theories, tendencies and movements means we’re better equipped in our actions and our struggles. RAFALES is for everyone: we’ll be talking about basic principles, concepts and trends in anarchism, as well as concrete issues in today’s revolutionary milieu, deep dive in specific topics, strategies for struggle and building strong, autonomous communities.

Getting out of the cold of winter, let’s get together to learn, share and get our ideas off the ground. We’ve got a lot to learn from each other, and between putting out fires all over the place and day-to-day survival, we don’t always have time to sit down, exchange ideas and reflect collectively. We propose to take the time to listen to each other and share our political and activist knowledge and know-how outside academic institutions, in a setting that aims to be accessible and that puts forward pedagogical practices toward a collective liberation.

Details and accessibility

The training camp will take place over two days, with an opening panel on Friday evening. Social activities are planned for Saturday evening, and meals will be offered on Saturday and Sunday lunchtimes, as well as on Sunday evening when the now traditional ORA monthly dinner will be held.

The main room is wheelchair-accessible, but not the ones on the first floor. Masks are strongly recommended inside the rooms and will be available at the entrance. Childcare will be available during the day all weekend.

Full schedule and accessibility details will be announced soon. We’ll also be putting out a call for volunteers to help organize the weekend. Follow ORA’s social medias to stay in the loop, and don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.

Until then, see you on the streets!

The building of the Comité Social Centre-Sud is situated at 1710 Beaudry street.

Provisional schedule

Friday march 28th

6pm to 9pm

Opening panel

On anticolonial & internationnalist perspectives

Saturday march 29th



10am to 12:30pm

History of anarchist struggles 1: The great moments

History of anarchist struggles 2: The autonomists movements

Literature & anarchism

At l’Euguelionne library, with the Mandragore

12:30pm to 1:30pm

Lunch break

1:30pm to 3pm

Philosophical principles & fondamental concepts of anarchism

With Francis Dupuis-Déri

Tendencies of post-anarchism

3:30pm to 5pm

Collective discussion on anarchism

Indigenous anarchism

5:30pm to 7:30pm

Panel on mutual aid: taking care of us, without & against the state

History of anarchist struggles 3: Contemporary movements

9pm to 11pm

Surprise activity!

Sunday march 30th

10am to 12:30pm

Panel on transformative justice

Despair in the face of fascism

With Cindy Milstein

12:30pm to 1:30pm

Lunch break

1:30pm to 4pm

Panel on the abolition of police & prisons

1:30pm to 3pm

Archivism & anarchism

With Allan Antliff & the DIRA library

3:30pm to 5pm

Tendencies of anarchist ecologies

Bookchin & social ecology, deep ecology, primitivism & antispecism

5pm to 8pm

Souper mensuel de l'ORA


Until then, learn more about the history of anarchism

Register as a volunteer

We’ll need all kinds of help during the whole weekend of the camp. If you’d like to help out, fill out the form here:


An anarchist learning camp

Copyleft 2025